22, May 2006 | Events, Social, Tech
Wired have published [a short article](http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,70925-0.html) on noting that scientists have mapped the last chromosome in the Human Genome. > Chromosome 1 contains nearly twice as many genes as the average chromosome and makes up eight...
1, May 2006 | Commentary, Events, Social
I was fortunate to attend a Buddhist seminar last week where the rinpoche talked about “the value of self worth”. How can we overcome the fear, hatred, violence and lack of acceptance in this world? The upshot of it was that if we are able to truly realise...
2, Apr 2006 | Events, Music, Social
Many games today feature rich, fully orchestrated soundtracks. This year, two separate concert tours featuring a full symphony orchestra playing tunes from video games like Halo and Super Mario Bros. will play dates across the United States and worldwide. The [Play...
23, Mar 2006 | Events, Tech
A 72 hour conversation hosted by Microsoft? Perhaps not just a series of unexpected breaks 🙂 [Mix 06](http://mix06.com/) in Las Vegas just finished. [Zeldman](http://www.zeldman.com/2006/03/22/unmixed/) turned it down but [Eric...