Cool music videos and songs

Here are some cool clips, I like the time remapping effects in particular … [In Flames – Cloud Connected]( [In Flames – Trigger]( I’m shooting a video for...

IconFactory gets wise

Earlier this month, the folks over at the [IconFactory]( redesigned their website so that it not only looks great but it’s also [standards-compliant XHTML and CSS]( During the redesign and rebuild,...

Speak up – again

Adam has posted [an important message]( about events happening here. > This week our government is trying to push laws through that force all asylum seekers to be [processed off...

Yellow-Footed Rock Wallaby

Please follow the link below, click on the Yellow-Footed Rock Wallaby box on the right and AMP Insurance will donate $1 for every person who does this. []( Thankyou. Please tell your...