For some time now, web developers have been telling clients to go online. Adapt their business to include the Internet and plan for the web to become a key component of day-to-day business.

At home, away from business, they have been telling their friends and family to embrace the web.

One of the industries that seems ideal for the web is newspapers. Surprisingly, many traditional (i.e., print-based) newspapers have been slow in taking advantage of the web medium.

Wired News has [published an article](,70571-0.html) which *finally* vindicates all the evangelism.

The Newspaper Association of America (NAA), a trade group, found that one in three internet users — 55 million — visit a newspaper website every month.

> Andrew Swinand, executive vice president at Starcom Worldwide, a major advertising-buying agency, said during a panel discussion that newspapers could do more to harness their presence online, such as getting more participation from audiences.

Have a read and pass on the address. It’s time to get wise.