Making your website “Accessible” is crucial. Not only do you “include more, exclude fewer”, it enables your content to be viewed on web devices like web-phones and PDAs.

The W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are about to be updated for the first time since 1999.

Joe Clark has written [an excellent review]( on Alistapart.

> If you were hoping for a wholesale improvement, you’re going to be disappointed. A lot of loose ends have been tidied up, and many low-priority guidelines are now pretty solid. The problem here is that standardistas already knew what to do to cover the same territory as those low-priority guidelines. Where WCAG 2 breaks down is in the big stuff. Curiously, though, and perhaps due to meticulous editing over the years, the big stuff is well camouflaged and, to an uninformed reader, WCAG 2 seems reasonable. It isn’t, and you as a working standards-compliant developer are going to find it next to impossible to implement WCAG 2.

The news is not good. Developers can still have a say and we may all be saved from a lot of unnecessary heartache, not to mention money.