Queen sends email

We all know the Queen has an iPod… who doesn’t? 🙂 Did you know she sent her first email, 30 years ago?!! Yep, according to a [BBC News article](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4894612.stm): > The Queen sent her first e-mail from an Army base in 1976 and she...

Don’t get your Mac jacked!

That’s the slogan that [iAlertU](http://www.slappingturtle.com/wordpress/) bears. > “It’s a car alarm for your notebook computer”, said Randy Green, the creator of the iAlertU alarm system, which is expected to go on sale at Green’s site,...

Online car diagnostics

In the USA, [OnStar](http://www.onstar.com/) have an online diagnostics database that is set up to email you with car maintenance reminders. The site has over 1 million subscribers already after only 6 months. The advantage is that you can save some scheduled trips to...

Geek chic?

Or faux fashion? *click on the image to view a larger version* Looking like something that Apple might make, check out [the Keyboard Bag](http://grafikx.blogspot.com/2006/03/keyboard-bag.html). > The ultimate in quirky techno-cool, the keybag is made entirely out of...

Job prospect?

A friend of a friend is wanting to join the public service here in Canberra. So, he’s looking for prospects whilst being employed in the private sector. Being a dutiful employee, he filled in his application and updated his resumé whilst at his current...

Privacy? … don’t count on it.

After deciding it’s good to lock innocent children in a concentration camp. Then fostering racism through absurd immigration laws. The government has turned on it’s own people. The Sydney Morning Herald has published [an informative...