25, Mar 2006 | Social, Tech
Therapies incorporating neurofeedback and video game technology may be a new frontier for medicine. There’s [an interesting story at News.com](http://news.com.com/Video+game+therapy-a+new+frontier/2100-1043_3-6051269.html?tag=nl) that talks about this....
24, Mar 2006 | Social, Tech
Two iPods and a microphone… OK, so you don’t need two iPods but you do need a microphone if you want to Podcast. http://www.internationalpodcastingexpo.com/The [Online International Podcasting Expo]() had been announced for April 21 – 23. It’s...
24, Mar 2006 | Social, Tech
Costs to register a .COM domain name may increase if VeriSign have their way. Currently, the .COM registry is operated by VeriSign. They are expected to make about $450 million from registration of .COM domain names in 2007. What they’re asking for now is a...
23, Mar 2006 | Social, Tech
Ironic Sans is selling [clothes with pre-pixelated logos](http://www.ironicsans.com/2006/03/idea_prepixelated_clothes_for_1.html). So, if you’re on a RealityTV show, you can save the editors some hassle 🙂