22, Jul 2006 | Music, Social, Tech, Web
An article at [Playlist](http://playlistmag.com/news/2006/07/21/yahoodrm/index.php), says Yahoo have become the first mainstream digital music sites to sell a song without DRM (digital rights management) copy protection. This means the song can be burnt to CD as many...
21, Jul 2006 | Social, Web
or it may be too late. It has to do with a principle called *Net Neutrality*. Currently, the laws demand that ISPs treat bandwidth fairly and equally. Meaning that bandwidth (speed) is the essentially the same for everyone. > The USA congress is pushing a law that...
10, Jul 2006 | Social, Web
You may remember back in April, I posted [an article about a guy wanting to trade a red paperclip for a house](https://verbum.one/?p=79). His name is Kyle MacDonald. Well, looks like he’s done it! On [his blog](http://oneredpaperclip.blogspot.com/) he says: >...
8, Jul 2006 | Movies, Social, Tech, Web
I recently saw [Primer](http://imdb.com/title/tt0390384/), a movie where two inventors accidentally make a time machine. Great movie, I’d recommend it. It’s available for rent on DVD. Which brings me to this post 🙂 > Time travel goes awry. Doesn’t it...