verbum is a blog about my interest in photography, music, movies, and maybe some foodie pics.
Paris – Day 1
11 July 2008 We'll I've arrived in Paris! It's 10:15pm Paris time. I left...
London arrival – week 1
Left Canberra to Hong Kong via Sydney. I transferred flights in Hong Kong -...
Inspirational lecture by Dr. Randy Pausch
Dr [Randy Pausch]( has been...
Save the Belconnen Kangaroos at BNTS
## NEWS ALERT - Canberra government in Australia seeks slaughter of 400+...
Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD
There's a good article about the Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD saga on [Roughly Drafted...
Emerging sculptor – Geoff Farquhar-Still
A friend of a friend has recently published a...