We need a new kind of web browser.

There’s an [excellent article at A List Apart ](http://www.alistapart.com/articles/forgiving) on the drawbacks of ‘forgiving’ browsers. Written by [J. David Eisenberg](http://www.alistapart.com/authors/e/jdavideisenberg) it talks about how browsers...

Hit-run report not to be released to the public

The Canberra Times [reports](http://canberra.yourguide.com.au/detail.asp?story_id=468542&class=News%2D+Local) that the ACT Police and their minister have refused to publicly issue a report on the hit-run death of Clea Rose. They say the report exhonerates them...

Video game therapy?

Therapies incorporating neurofeedback and video game technology may be a new frontier for medicine. There’s [an interesting story at News.com](http://news.com.com/Video+game+therapy-a+new+frontier/2100-1043_3-6051269.html?tag=nl) that talks about this....

Flash adventure game

If you haven’t already, check out [Samorost](http://www.samorost2.net/samorost1/). It’s described as being at the intersection of Fun and Beautiful. Also, it’s in space. Reminds me of Myst, click here, click there, wait, watch …...