Worlds smallest mobile phone

The Korean Company [KTF Technologies]( unveiled the KTF EV-K100 probably the World’s Slimmest Mobile Phone. Just 7.9-millimetre, it makes other slim phones highly overweight. This was possible by reducing the thickness of the...

Win XP on a Mac?

Why run XP on a Mac? Why games ofcourse 🙂 I’m sure there are more *serious* reasons to do this, just can’t think of any right now. Joy of Tech have an interesting take on the subject. Click on the pic to see the whole cartoon.

The closer you look, the more you will find.

I recently watched two fantastic Australian movies – [Peaches]( and [Little Fish]( Interesting stories, great cinematography and the acting was superb. Peaches stars [Hugo...

Porn block? Hands off my Internet

Did you read the recent [news]( that Kim Beazley has outlined a plan that would force ISPs to filter pornographic content? Whilst I agree that parents do not want their children exposed to pornography, forcing...