In Paris, Day 2, Saturday 12/7/08
Thinking back to London so far. Weekdays have been at work at Reading Room.
The staff are friendly and there’s a great vibe in the office. Everyone’s busy with work.
Nights have been spent wandering around Soho eating then getting back to the flat. Most days I’ve been working late until around 6:30pm – 7pm. The days go quickly with the amount of work and it’s interesting, so I don’t notice the time.
Turns out I have some things in common with Simon (one of the owners). We both play guitar and like similar kinds of music. On Thursday he showed up with a bag of DVDs for me to watch whilst in the flat. How cool is that?!
After work I’ve been playing some pool with some of the guys – David Burgess, Lorne and Stephen mostly. There’s a pool table at work.
Monday rolled around and started my induction into Reading Room.
Back in Paris. I toured on Le Cars Rouges
I had bought a ticket that allowed me to hop on and off at my leisure. Which was perfect. I was able to take some good photos from the top of the bus. When I wanted, I could hop off and wander around, the buses left every 10 minutes.
I spent the most time at Musee Du Louvre and Tour Eiffel.
to be continued …