XHTML2 is the next version of the XHTML family. It brings us closer to a stuctured, semantic web and seems relatively painless for developers.

The W3C have published an [overview by Steve Pemberton](http://www.w3.org/2005/Talks/05-steven-xtech/). Steve is the Chair of the W3C Working Group. He says:

> In designing XHTML2, a number of design aims were kept in mind to help direct the design. These included:

> As generic XML as possible: if a facility exists in XML, try to use that rather than duplicating it. This means that it already works to a large extent in existing browsers (main missing functionality XForms and XML Events).

> Less presentation, more structure: use stylesheets for defining presentation.

> More usability: within the constraints of XML, try to make the language easy to write, and make the resulting documents easy to use.

> More accessibility: ‘designing for our future selves’ – the design should be as inclusive as possible.

Also, Pete Freitag has posted a [summary on his blog](http://www.petefreitag.com/item/370.cfm) if you want the decaf lowdown.