3, Aug 2006 | Commentary, Social
via [Transbuddha](http://www.transbuddha.com/mediaHolder.php?id=1147) Will Ferrell – Bush on Global Warming on Transbuddha 🙂
2, Aug 2006 | Food, Social, Tech
Vladimir Lagovski and Andrei Moiseynko from Komsomolskaya Pravda Newspaper in Moscow decided to learn first-hand how harmful cell phones are. There is no magic in cooking with your cell phone. The secret is in the radio waves that the cell phone radiates. The...
22, Jul 2006 | Music, Social, Tech, Web
An article at [Playlist](http://playlistmag.com/news/2006/07/21/yahoodrm/index.php), says Yahoo have become the first mainstream digital music sites to sell a song without DRM (digital rights management) copy protection. This means the song can be burnt to CD as many...
21, Jul 2006 | Social, Web
or it may be too late. It has to do with a principle called *Net Neutrality*. Currently, the laws demand that ISPs treat bandwidth fairly and equally. Meaning that bandwidth (speed) is the essentially the same for everyone. > The USA congress is pushing a law that...